Thursday, August 21, 2008

Gathering 5 on 5 Data From The NHL

I am attempting a rather large sabermetrics and hockey project where I attempt a novel method top look at +/- ratings. In order to do this, I need to know the amount of icetime players have with and against each other in 5 on 5 situations. Parsing this information from NHL boxscores is a non-trivial task. I found this tool to do it. It is a greasemonkey script that runs with Mozilla Firefox. The website about it is run by Vic Ferrari from the blog Irreverent Oiler Fans.

So far, I have found that the tool does the job well. There is one game (so far) the October 4th Chicago Blackhawks and Minnesota Wild game that it cannot run through to completion. I have not yet figured out why. The rest of the first quarter or so of games this season run correctly.

Produced by this tool are files that give the amount of 5 on 5 icetime all the players in the game played with their teammates and opponents. In principle one could expand the script to do this for power play and shorthanded time or to gather other events (have you ever wondered if there is a particular defenceman that Alexander Ovechkin scores more goals against than any other?).

I want to thank Vic Ferrari for providing such a useful tool for public use and to point it out to anyone else who might be interested in using it.